u::der fall debra jean milke · PROTESTBRIEF :: 02

Attorney General of Arizona
Mrs. Janet Napolitano
1275 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Oder via Fax:
Attorney General of Arizona
Mrs. Janet Napolitano
001 - 602 - 5421275


Dear Mrs. Napolitano,

The "model democracy" of the world and especially its judicial system applied in various states does no longer fit this role.

I would like to bring to your attention a case in your own state - Debra Jean Milke - sentenced to death under circumstances, which decry anything close to a fair trial. Not a shred of factual evidence links Ms. Milke to this crime and many occurrences point to the fact that it was a "set-up" from the very beginning, a "win-at-all costs" situation for the prosecution against an almost non-existing defense. Juries convict on emotions and, in this case, this particular fact was more than obvious.

With all due respect, Mrs. Napolitano, you have it in your hands to review Ms. Milke's case personally. Your predecessor and his staff were biased. I would like to believe that your moral values and judicial concept differ inasmuch as it does not ignore the concept of "reasonable doubt" and is not tainted by political ambitions. I would like to beg you to have the courage to admit error and set a sign in the right direction.

Very respectfully yours,

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